EEA and international migrant workers in the UK labour market

In July 2017, the Government commissioned the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) to advise on the economic and social impacts of the UK’s exit from the European Union and also on how the UK’s immigration system should be aligned with a modern industrial strategy.

The areas outlined below provide a general indication of the information the MAC is reviewing:


Part 1 - EEA Migration Trends

Establishing current patterns and characteristics of EU and EEA migration, including:

  • Sectors;

  • Regional distribution;

  • Skill levels;

  • Duration of assignments;

  • Self-employment, entrepreneurs, part-time, agency, temporary and seasonal workers.


Part 2 - Recruitment Practices, Training & Skills

  • How to align the UK immigration system with a modern industrial strategy;

  • The impact of immigration on the competitiveness of UK industry on productivity, innovation and labour market flexibility;

  • The impact of migration on skills and training, and rates of investment across the sectors;

  • The advantages of a migration system focused on the highly skilled or across the entire skills spectrum;

  • Whether the shortage occupation list (SOL) needs to be amended to include skill levels below NQF6.


Part 3 - Economic, Social and Fiscal Impacts

Evaluating the economic and social costs and benefits of migration, including:

  • Fiscal impacts to the UK economy;

  • Impact on public services;

  • Impact on UK infrastructure.

Assessing the potential impact of any future reductions in EU/EEA migration at a range of levels. This may include:

  • Regional impacts;

  • Sector-based impacts.

The MAC is now analysing the evidence submitted and has been asked to provide their report to the Home Secretary by September 2018.


If you would like any advice about UK immigration or recruitment, please message us here.


What is the MAC?

The MAC was established in 2007 as a non-departmental public body, independent from UK Government, to provide evidence-based advice to Government on immigration issues.

The MAC makes recommendations not policy; essentially, the MAC advises, the Government decides.

The committee consists of immigration and labour market experts and is supported by a secretariat of economists, researchers and policy officials.

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