
Yet another 5 things about Britain

Yet another 5 things about Britain

1. We love the middle lane of the motorway

Our road sense is so bad in Britain that the Government produced a set of guidelines - The Highway Code, which applies to England, Scotland and Wales.

Many of the rules in the Code are legal requirements, and if you disobey these rules you are committing a criminal offence.

Another 5 things about Britain

Another 5 things about Britain

Welcome to our third instalment in our "about Britain" series. For the uninitiated, Britain can appear to be a pretty odd place. We have odd habits, odd food, odd weather, odd taps and an even odder sense of humour. It's nothing that a good bout of cultural training can't sort out, but I'm going to run a series of posts about what makes the Brits so wonderfully weird - or weirdly wonderful - which may help our non-indigenous friends to understand what the heck we are all about.

How to enjoy a British winter

How to enjoy a British winter

Rather than staying indoors hiding, winter is a great time to get out and explore.

Although our winters can be (i.e. tend to be) wet and windy or cold and hostile, they can also be very beautiful, and a great opportunity to get out and about and enjoy our countryside. Colourful autumn leaves, crisp, sunny days or wet and wild weather all make wonderful settings for some mood-boosting exercise alone or with friends and family.

Right to rent checks - what's it all about?

There's been quite a bit of controversy surrounding the introduction of the right to rent checks, but whether or not you like the idea, the Government is forging ahead with it following what is claimed to be a rather unfruitful pilot of the scheme in the West Midlands.

Right to rent checks have been introduced as part of the government’s ongoing reforms to the immigration system and from 1 February 2016, all private landlords in England will have to make right to rent checks. This means checking that tenants have the right to be in the UK. It doesn't say a lot for the Border Agency, does it?

Great British dishes - #2 Stovies

In the second of our Great British dishes, we're venturing north of the border into Scotland to take a look at a dish called "stovies".

Now I'm guessing that unless you're Scottish or have ventured into Scotland on more than one occasion you have no idea what stovies are. Or is.

Like any dish in any country, everybody has their own little recipe but essentially, stovies is a simple but deliciously tasty and warming, Scottish potato-based dish.

Great British dishes - #1 Kippers

As the rest of the world seems to think that British food is, on the whole, bloody awful, we're going to publish a series of articles about traditional British dishes that are really quite delicious to educate and prove to our overseas friends that British dishes are every bit as good as those of any other country.

As it is "Seafood Week" in the UK from Friday 9 October to Friday 16 October 2015, we shall start with the humble kipper.