Scottish Income Tax changes in April 2016

Scottish Income Tax changes in April 2016

The Scottish rate of Income Tax (SRIT), introduced by the Scotland Act 2012, gives the Scottish Parliament the power to set a Scottish rate of income tax and to raise taxes on land transactions. The SRIT will be charged on the non-savings and non-dividend income of those defined as Scottish taxpayers and will start from April 2016.

Applying for a school in Scotland

Applying for a school in Scotland

In this section, we will take a look at the general process to be used when applying for school places in Scotland.

Each school and local council has its own criteria for admissions, but in general, this is how the process works.

Great British dishes - #2 Stovies

In the second of our Great British dishes, we're venturing north of the border into Scotland to take a look at a dish called "stovies".

Now I'm guessing that unless you're Scottish or have ventured into Scotland on more than one occasion you have no idea what stovies are. Or is.

Like any dish in any country, everybody has their own little recipe but essentially, stovies is a simple but deliciously tasty and warming, Scottish potato-based dish.