Is your provider's relocation management software fit for purpose?

If you engage the services of a relocation management company, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to expect them to have the capability to manage cases competently and efficiently, would it? These days, most relocation companies use some kind of software to help them do this – relocation can be a complicated affair, often with many ongoing tasks to juggle, and you just can’t trust somebody’s memory to get it all right, however good the staff member. As for paper-based lists, they are long gone, especially for a truly cloud-based organisation like Celsium.

What value do you place on easy communication?

What value do you place on easy communication?

Starting a new job or moving home are commonly cited as two of the most stressful events in life. Imagine doing these at the same time and in a foreign country where you have little or no understanding of the culture or day-to-day customs and habits.

This presents an enormity of potential difficulties for both HR / Global Mobility team and the employee, but what is the greatest challenge to overcome? We really wanted to get to the bottom of this so undertook some customer insight (or market research, if you prefer) to find out exactly what was going on. Time and time again, the same topic kept rearing its ugly little head